Photographic diary (December)
For this year, I would like to start something new. At the end of every month, I’ll share a few photograhps taken that month. With these photograhps, I’ll share the backstory and reflect on what I have learned. Inviting you along this road.
I’ll start this year off with the end of last year.
The month of December.
What: I have taken multiple photos of this grain field in the past months. Me and my girlfriend often walk the family dog here, We have seen this field turn from gold to gray throughout the passing of the seasons. I hope to photograhp this exact composition as each season passes.
Where: Drenthe, The Netherlands
What: A bouquet of white lilies gifted to me by my girlfriend for our anniversary. A photograph can immortalise something mortal
Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland
What: A close-up of one of the lilies. On hand-dyed cloth, I made this month for the Atelier.
Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland
What: The light passing through the curtains in a museum in Brussels creates a soft feeling to the photograph.
Where: Brussels, Belgium
What: While wandering through Brussels I saw this window, the window was taped off with paper or plastic creating this texture. The window reflected the city creating the illusion of a dubble exposure.
I see these images as a sketch or inspiration for later works in the Atelier.
Where: Brussels, Belgium
What: For the 26 birthday of my girlfriend we went on a weekend getaway in a small cabin in the woods. Here Jasmijn peaks out of the window that was above our bed.
The light softly caresses her cheek.
Where: Drenthe, The Netherlands
What: My daylight Atelier, This month I have built two boxes for the Atelier.
Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden, Friesland
What: A self-portrait with my friend in Brussels on our way to the new exhibition of Stephan van Fleteren called “Atelier” I love how the winter sun elongated our shadows. I wonder when will our shadows be the longest in the year?
Where: Brussels, Belgium
What: A portrait of Jasmijn.
Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden, Friesland
What: A self-portrait in my Atelier playing around with motion blur.
Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden, Friesland
This was my selection for December, I’ll be back the next month with a new selection.
Thank you for taking too look at this month’s selection!
Have a nice day
Brent Souverein