A Look behind the creation of “Embracing the Dark’’

Back in July of 2023 printshop and Publischer Chemistry invited me to join a project started by Over de Drempel and Acardia FRL. With this project, these organizations invited local creatives with all different disciplines to create a zine (A small magazine ) each of their own with one common topic: loneliness. With this project, I wanted to take a different approach to the way I work. Usually, I tend to work from a

feeling, a mood. Instead of meticulously planning an image, I let the moment guide me. For this project however, I wanted to try to more or less plan the images. So for about a month, I worked on the concept, planning and visualizing the result. Once that was done and with a plan literally on my wall, I realized this method was not meant for me. A valuable lesson learned.

I went back to square one and relied on my feelings to guide me. “Embracing the dark” is the result and I’m very thankful to be able to create this work. My first-ever published zine. A personal and artistic take on different elements of loneliness: a longing for touch, vulnerability, and death. The 25 unique photographs do not only relate to the topic of loneliness. They also embody my process.

A process that taught me to rely on my feelings. And a process that taught me more than that. By doing the graphic design myself I learned a lot about how my work fits together. And what doesn’t. Another valuable lesson learned. After all this work was done it was time to go to Chemistry to make the ideas become real and start printing. Together we printed, cut, sewed, and bound the zine in a matter of hours. Months of work became tangible. I held this ode to loneliness in my hand and it made me feel proud.

More info about the zine



Brent Souverein


Photographic diary (December)


On taking portraits and my daylight atelier.