Photographic diary (January)

As promised at the end of every month I will share a few photographs taken the month. This week’s selection contains two portraits, a self-portrait, Landscapes, and some still life’s taken in my Atelier and a behind-the-scenes of a commercial shoot.

All the landscapes were taken in Drenthe, Love seems to bring me here a lot lately. While walking with my love past these landscapes my camera dangles off my shoulder. The air is cold and crisp and a big part of the days in January are gloomy and foggy. The floor beneath us is wet and our shoes are dirty every time I come home I have to brush off the landscape again.

Yet this weather inspires me like no other, perhaps it is the soft light or that this weather is the closest I can get to seeing the world in black and white. There is something about the landscapes of Drenthe there is a lot of nothing. In this nothingness, my mind can wander. In between the trees, I find comfort.

This month I bought a new camera, One I wanted for A long time. A digital Medium format camera. The first thing I did was to take a self-portrait with my favourite camera.

A self-portrait as the master painters would paint in the 1600s with their tools in hand, a symbol to show the outside world where they were affiliated with.

The month of January

What: Self-portrait with favorite camera

Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland

What: Landscape

Where: Drenthe

What: Landscape

Where: Drenthe

What: Still life, vintage bottle

Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland

What: Landscape

Where: Drenthe

What: BTS Lookbook shoot EvaLuna

Where: Amsterdam, west

What: Landscape For the reader with a eye for detail, yes this is the same field of grain like last month. This would be my favorite photo taken there this month.

I hope in the coming months there will be snow.

Where: Drenthe

What: Portrait of Mads

Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland

What: Portrait of Mads

Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland

What: Still life of a vintage bottle

Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland

What: Portrait of Jurjen

Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland

What: Still life of cloth

Where: Daylight Atelier, Leeuwarden Friesland

What: A little abandoned hut I see out of the train window when I enter Leeuwarden.

Where: Leeuwarden Friesland

This was my selection for January, I’ll be back the next month with a new selection.

Thank you for taking too look at this month’s selection!

Have a nice day

Brent Souverein


Photographic diary (February)

